07 March 2018 | 20:00

Software art #2

A gathering to learn about open source software platforms to create visual and sonic arts. In the meeting we will review examples of projects and prototypes using platforms such as Pure Data, Processing, and Arduino. Participants from workshops in Spektrum are invited to present his experience and interest on using this platforms. Some advise can be give on how to continue your project developing....

07 March 2018 | 19:30

Creative VR 8

Meetup about artistic/creative virtual reality projects. We want to connect artists with different backgrounds to push VR as a new medium and discuss the experiences people develop in VR. Our goal is to exchange knowledge about creating virtual worlds and interactions which are possible only in VR.

06 March 2018 | 19:30


VJ Open Lab offers Berlin VJ Community a monthly meeting for inspiration, experimentation, and exchanging of ideas and knowledge in the live video field. It is a collaborative platform without hierarchy that values joint efforts, partnership, and initiative. 

VJ Open Lab is open to anyone interested in live visual arts and VJing. Beginners and visitors are also welcome to join.

23 February 2018 | 20:00

{Sound Portraits Screening #1}

Sound Portraits lecture/listening series presents a very special evening of screenings focusing on the video, film, and scoring work of previous Sound Portraits composers. Full lineup TBA, but works may include pieces by Pauling Oliveros, Robert Ashley, Conrad Schnitzler, Ryoji Ikeda, Laurie Anderson, Meredith Monk, and more

21 February 2018 | 19:00


Learn and teach how to use basic cryptography tools in a relaxed and respectful atmosphere.

No prior knowledge required: curiosity, wanting to learn, asking questions is all that's needed.

Bringing your laptop or smartphone would be useful. CryptoParties are always for free. 

20 February 2018 | 18:00

DIY workshop and jam Bring Your Own Kit

Bring any kit you want to build - we provide the tools and some hints.

Modular / Analog Jam Session happening from 19-22 :)

Jam Organized by Anna-Maria Van Reusel of Analog Jam

Thank You!

18 February 2018 | 20:00

Screening: Mark de Valk #421

Mark de Valk - The Body as Montage: A Spectacle of Punishment

Triptych experimental (essay) docu-narrative critiquing the nature of state/military/corporate subjugation & control of the (female) body. Cinematic image reformed & re-purposed with the storyline structured by means of spatial & associational logic. Relationship of film, filmmaker & audience; the camera as ‘stylo’. Cultural notions...

17 February 2018 | 20:00

Amir Bolzman & Ariel Armoni / Miako Klein & Ignaz Schick #420

Amir Bolzman & Ariel Armoni - The visit of the Iraqi delegation

A post-etnoise duo of Amir Bolzman (computer, samples, accordion) and Ariel Armoni (riqq, accordion).

Miako Klein & Ignaz Schick

First live-duo-meeting of baroque and contemporary recorder specialist Miako Klein and composer/sound artist/turntablist Ignaz Schick. Miako Klein performs with the entire recorder family including the...

14 February 2018 | 20:00

[ 1 : ~ ] Audio and visual interference #419

The sound in relation to visual interference following the topic: "scale one to eternity".

Three audio-visual performances created by divers artists who are actively working with the experiment, improvisation, contemporary avant-garde and innovative adventurous art forms.

Lena Czerniawska and Emilio Gordoa: [1 : ∞ ] - no.001

Sabine Vogel: Clovelly beach

Don Malfon and Misha Marks: ...

13 February 2018 | 20:00

Light Movement 27: Luke Fowler

Over the past 15 years, British artist, filmmaker and musician Luke Fowler has developed a practice that is, at the same time, singular and collaborative, poetic and political, structural and documentary, archival and deeply human. With an emphasis on communities of people, outward thinkers and the history of the left, his 16mm films tell the stories of alternative movements in Britain, from...

12 February 2018 | 19:30

SCS #54

The Sonic Code Sessions aim to provide a time and place for self directed and collaborative learning + experimentation. If you would like to free yourself from the limitations that come with traditional music software, this is for you! We occasionaly do jam sessions and plan group performances.

12 February 2018 | 19:30 - 21:30

Scent Club Berlin Meetup #9

The upcoming meetup we will focus on THE ABSENCE OF SMELL!

We will talk about anosmia, the inability to smell. Susann who lost her sense of smell after an accident, will share her story with us. Besides we will do tests with things that do not smell and discuss what it means if there is no smell... Feel free to bring anything that you think doesn't have any scent! Looking forward to meeting you...

10 February 2018 | 20:00


An evening with The Society for Nontrivial Pursuits (students, alumni and associates of the class Generative Art / Computational Art at UdK Berlin): an exploration of the possibility spaces of feedback systems, chaotic circuits, social systems and/or computer programs for experimental performance.