07 February 2018 | 19:30

Atonal Gender - crowdfunding performance evening

Curated by Danilo Andrés, "Atonal Gender" is a performance platform aimed to explore the intersection between body and experimental sound. We are collecting new fantasies and technologies to imagine "body" as an open landscape, under the common score of performers in dialogue with sonorous dispositives.

06 February 2018 | 19:30

VJ open lab #7

VJ Open Lab offers Berlin VJ Community a monthly meeting for inspiration, experimentation, and exchanging of ideas and knowledge in the live video field. It is a collaborative platform without hierarchy that values joint efforts, partnership, and initiative. 

VJ Open Lab is open to anyone interested in live visual arts and Vjing. Beginners and visitors are also welcome to join.

04 February 2018 | 20:00

AM presents All Sounds Considered #415

AM presents: Screening of All Sounds Considered - Goran Vejvoda & Florence Müller
A documentary that explores the state of – Sound & Silence – without dogmas and preconceived theories. The film shows some of the various facets that make up this fascinating field. Produced & directed by sound artist Goran Vejvoda & curator Florence Müller.

02 February 2018 | 20:00

Federico Foderaro / Andreas Lutz #413

Federico Foderaro - Anthropocene Extended

Live audio-visual performance based on a high intensity energy composition


Andreas Lutz - Zwölftonform

"The work Zwölftonform offers a complementary approach to the consideration of how machines might deal with their autonomy in the future. Based on and inspired by the formalism of the twelve-tone row, Lutz plays with the assumption that this abstract...

30 January 2018 | 19:30

LC Lab #24

Hands-on session of the LC Lab (Live Cinema Lab), a place for audio-visual experimentation. LC Lab is a community where audio and visual artists can meet, create and play new work together.

30 January 2018 | 19:30

SCS #53

The Sonic Code Sessions aim to provide a time and place for self directed and collaborative learning + experimentation. If you would like to free yourself from the limitations that come with traditional music software, this is for you! We occasionaly do jam sessions and plan group performances.

29 January 2018 | 19:30

ReConnect Communities table #7

SPEKTRUM communities come together to share what they have been working on and exchange ideas for cross-collaboration. Everybody interested in what is going on in our communities is welcome.

28 January 2018 | 20:00

John Bowers & Tim Shaw/Knifeloop #411

John Bowers & Tim Shaw - Berlin, Sensor
Berlin, Sensor works with the image of the city of Berlin as a giant sensor device capable of picking up, analysing, and transmitting traces of local and global discord.

Knifeloop - remute control
Confronting a feedback system with field recordings and objects with electro-magnetic fields.

Part of the transmediale/CTM Vorspiel 2018 festival (https://vors...

27 January 2018 | 20:00

Mia Zabelka & Tina Frank / Eliad Wagner #410

Eliad Wagner - Music for Teeth
Eliad Wagner delivers a physical performance on the synthesizer, which explores the aesthetics of human interference with automatic sound process. 

Mia Zabelka & Tina Frank - DEFRACTION
An audiovisual performance
Mia Zabelka (AT) – E-violin, electronic devices, alien objects
Tina Frank (AT) – video synthesizer, camera

23 January 2018 | 20:00

ECHO-Systems CTM Vorspiel

VJ Open Lab curate: CTM/Transmediale Vorspiel

ECHO-Systems, an evening of collaborative audiovisual performances.

Traversing through the new means of creative collaboration in VJing and live video we invite you into our ECHO-System - a time-space where video, sound, and artists fuse into one continuous entity.

21 January 2018 | 20:00

Sound Portraits #23: Mark Fell

Listening session curated by Doron Sadja, focusing on the work of iconic composers who have paved the way for contemporary electronic music.

This session: Mark Fell

20 January 2018 | 20:00


5 modular / semi-modular synthesizers, live spatialized on a multichannel system – SPRAWL_VOICES is in search for the real cyberpunk sound.

19 January 2018 | 19:30

Public Exchange Digitalisierungs-Triple II: 'Abbildungsraum'

Im Rahmen des zweiten Digitalisierungs-Triples haben drei Künstler*innen bzw. Künstler*innengruppen die Chance in einer Laborsituation gemeinsam mit Expert*innen aus der Welt der Programmierung und Wissenschaft eine ihnen auf der künstlerischen Seele brennenden Fragestellung zum Thema Abbildung von Kunst und digitaler Raum zu erforschen.