30 October 2017 | 20:00 - 31 October 2017 | 00:00

Francesco Giomi / Carlo Maria Amadio

Francesco Giomi - Emotional Soundscapes solo live set
Emotional Soundscapes is a journey through different musical habitats, alternating dilated sound threads with obsessive rhythmic textures -the last step on a path that, arising in the world of dance, develops into a completely musical expressive autonomy. A work on the border between feeling and experimentation, this is Giomi's German ...

29 October 2017 | 09:00 - 22:00

PFF at Spektrum - day 5

The Pornfilmfestival Berlin is an alternative, independent film festival that focuses on sexuality, politics, feminism and gender issues, and is the only festival of its kind in Germany. Since 2006, the festival has screened an average of over 100 films from around the world, featuring feminist and queer perspectives on questions around sexual morality, identity, and body norms, emphasizing...

28 October 2017 | 22:00

HPFF for PPF: Maria Basura / Ambrita Sunshine

Hacker Porn Film Festival - HPFF [Rome - IT] in occasion of the Pornfilmfestival Berlin presents a preview of their next edition Festival in a night with Performance, Video installation and DJ-set at Spektrum - art science community. 

28 October 2017 | 09:00 - 22:00

PFF at Spektrum - day 4

The Pornfilmfestival Berlin is an alternative, independent film festival that focuses on sexuality, politics, feminism and gender issues, and is the only festival of its kind in Germany. Since 2006, the festival has screened an average of over 100 films from around the world, featuring feminist and queer perspectives on questions around sexual morality, identity, and body norms, emphasizing...

27 October 2017 | 09:00 - 22:00

PFF at Spektrum - day 3

The Pornfilmfestival Berlin is an alternative, independent film festival that focuses on sexuality, politics, feminism and gender issues, and is the only festival of its kind in Germany. Since 2006, the festival has screened an average of over 100 films from around the world, featuring feminist and queer perspectives on questions around sexual morality, identity, and body norms, emphasizing...

26 October 2017 | 12:00 - 22:00

PFF at Spektrum - day 2

The Pornfilmfestival Berlin is an alternative, independent film festival that focuses on sexuality, politics, feminism and gender issues, and is the only festival of its kind in Germany. Since 2006, the festival has screened an average of over 100 films from around the world, featuring feminist and queer perspectives on questions around sexual morality, identity, and body norms, emphasizing...

25 October 2017 | 12:00 - 22:00

PFF at Spektrum - day 1

The Pornfilmfestival Berlin is an alternative, independent film festival that focuses on sexuality, politics, feminism and gender issues, and is the only festival of its kind in Germany. Since 2006, the festival has screened an average of over 100 films from around the world, featuring feminist and queer perspectives on questions around sexual morality, identity, and body norms, emphasizing...

24 October 2017 | 19:30

SCS #48

The Sonic Code Sessions aim to provide a time and place for self directed and collaborative learning + experimentation. If you would like to free yourself from the limitations that come with traditional music software, this is for you! We occasionaly do jam sessions and plan group performances.

23 October 2017 | 20:00

Light Movement 25: Snow and Ice Data

Snow and ice data 

A night of experimental films curated by Joe Steele

An offering by the colloquium ‘Film in the Present Tense’, RE:MI/ LaborBerlin co-presented with Light-Movement

22 October 2017 | 19:30

Scott Cazan / Niko de Paula Lefort #377

Scott Cazan performs an live experimental electronic set, while Niko de Paula Lefort presents some variations on a binary algorithm for hybrid analog-digital modular synthesizer.



21 October 2017 | 20:00

SCOPE presents: H. Schramm & N. Wiese / Patrick K.H. & A. Karaoulanis / xname #376

AV performance night:

  • Heidrun Schramm & Nicolas Wiese - audiovisual electroacoustic set premier performance of three new pieces:
    1. Sightings > Repercussions
    2. International Scribblings
    3. Pseudo_Code / Version 3.2 
  • Patrick K.H. & Andreas Karaoulanis 
  • xname - Live composition

Installation-screening: Animation / video by Patrick K.-H. and bestbefore

Event presented by SCOPE: curated by AudeRrose

20 October 2017 | 20:00

D/B presents: Takeshi Nishimoto x Kazuhide Yamaji feat Mergrim

Takeshi Nishimoto and Kazuhide Yamaji present the European premiere of their performance piece Two Guitars at Spektrum - art science community in Neukölln this October. Takeshi and Kazuhide will be joined for their second set by DJ and producer mergrim who will provide modular synth accompaniment.

18 October 2017 | 20:00

Screening & Discussion: Womanhood, an Egyptian Kaleidoscope #373

Filmed in 2015 in Cairo, womanhood is an interactive documentary: an ABC on Gender. 15 Egyptian women - who have all been confronted to the question of Gender in their social activities - share their views on chosen words. This event will include a brief presentation of the project by the film director Florie Bavard, followed by a screening of 10 clips taken from the full interactive documentary....

17 October 2017 | 19:30

movLab #19

Community meeting of the movLab - a place for researching ways to digitize motion and the human body and to make the data accessible for further use in VR, gaming, stage performance or art. 

17 October 2017 | 19:00

31. Netzdoku Session – Filmproduktion mit offenen Webtechnologie

Netzdoku Session heißt jetzt unser Format, welches sich vom Checkpoint dadurch abhebt, dass ein Community Mitglied in die Vorbereitung involviert ist! Dieses Mal hat uns Joscha Jäger (filmicweb.org) eine Session kuratiert mit dem Thema: „Film Production with Open Web Technologies“, was ist mit offenen Webtechnologien & Video technisch machbar und was für kreative Möglichkeiten eröffnen sie? 


16 October 2017 | 19:30


Learn and teach how to use basic cryptography tools in a relaxed and respectful atmosphere.

No prior knowledge required: curiosity, wanting to learn, asking questions is all that's needed.

Bringing your laptop or smartphone would be useful. CryptoParties are always for free. 

15 October 2017 | 19:00

Empire II screening night

EMPIRE II is an artist led satellite project, originally devised and curated by Vanya Balogh for 57th La Biennale di Venezia

This intimate, immersive film hub space will feature three chambers; beginning with an extensive library, engaging in film history and theory, curated attentively by participating artists from their personal book collections and intended for browsing and perusing; leading...

14 October 2017 | 19:00

Ryoichi Kurokawa & Novi_sad / Pierce Warnecke & Frank Bretschneider #372

Sirens: Ryoichi Kurokawa & Novi_sad (Berlin premier)

Sirens is a project which explores the aesthetics of information on sound. Initially based on multiple ways of analysis in various types of recordings, the project uses numerical and quantitative data from periods of economic panic and major stock market crashes.

Approximate Accuracy: Pierce Warnecke & Frank Bretschneider (world premier) ...