23 August 2017 | 19:30


Learn and teach how to use basic cryptography tools in a relaxed and respectful atmosphere.

No prior knowledge required: curiosity, wanting to learn, asking questions is all that's needed.

Bringing your laptop or smartphone would be useful. CryptoParties are always for free. 

23 August 2017 | 19:30

VJ open lab #2

A live space for visual minds and bodies.

VJ Open Lab offers the Berlin VJ Community a monthly meeting for inspiration, experimentation, and exchanging of ideas and knowledge in the live video field. Initiated by the VJ Women workshop group formed in Spektrum in spring 2017, VJ Open Lab is a collaborative platform without hierarchy that values joint efforts, partnership, and initiative. VJ...

15 August 2017 | 19:30

movLab #17

Community meeting of the movLab - a place for researching ways to digitize motion and the human body and to make the data accessible for further use in VR, gaming, stage performance or art. 

15 August 2017 | 19:30

SCS #43

The Sonic Code Sessions aim to provide a time and place for self directed and collaborative learning + experimentation. If you would like to free yourself from the limitations that come with traditional music software, this is for you! We occasionaly do jam sessions and plan group performances.

13 August 2017 | 20:00

RASK Collective // Federico Foderaro #344

RASK collective and Federico Foderaro invite you to a performance night focusing on the coalescence of experience between the visual and auditory. 2 sets will be premiered; ‘Closer’ - a sound reactive dance piece by RASK collective and an audio visual set by Federico Foderaro.

12 August 2017 | 14:36

Alfonso Pretelt + André Uhl #343

Alfonso Pretelt - Pataphysician Model



André Uhl - “I hope the roof flies off, and I get sucked up into space.“

The new live show by Berlin-based musician André Uhl. André combines the live interpretation of new and unreleased songs with real-time improvisation. He reduces his original tracks to their essence: selecting one haunting melody, one powerful bass layer,...

11 August 2017 | 20:00

Fast277 / Ame Zek #342

Fast277 - (Wolfgang Seidel & Eliad Wagner)

Wolfgang Seidel - modular system based on the Buchla Music Easel / EMS Synthi A + externals

Eliad Wagner - eurorack modular, ribbon analogue synthesizer & 7 channel feedback delay


Ame Zek - thundersheet, prepared electric guitar, magnetic field mic, feedback speakers


01 August 2017 | 19:30

SCS #42

The Sonic Code Sessions aim to provide a time and place for self directed and collaborative learning + experimentation. If you would like to free yourself from the limitations that come with traditional music software, this is for you! We occasionaly do jam sessions and plan group performances.

31 July 2017 | 13:26

Akkamiau & Danilo Andrés

Akkamiau & Danilo Andrés / cinematic body soundtrack


Akkamiau / sound design and composition


Danilo Andrés / Dance , voice Loop

29 July 2017 | 20:00

movLab presents: Claire Cote, Alice Nardi, Toby K #338

Claire Cote, Alice Nardi, Toby K - Experiments from movLab

We will present work in progress demonstrations from several of the projects developed through the monthly movLab meetup at Spektrum. Afterwards the audience will be invited to use the interactive technology and give feedback. We are keen to get feedback from people of all backgrounds.

28 July 2017 | 20:00

SCOPE presents: Mekas & Ailaviu / Olga Kozmanidze & Jo Ta #337

Mekas & Ailaviu - DISPLACEMENT

It is part of a process of tests on the decomposition of light applied to the video, with live tools. The improvisation works on the ambient music by Mekas.


Olga Kozmanidze & Jo Ta - AURORA

The work try to represent the meditation as a contemplation moment of spectral transformation. Present as audio and video deploying in real-time.


Event curated by SCOPE...