20 June 2017 | 19:00

MadeByUs: Lab night

Don't call it a comeback, we're back to building the lasercutter! Let's keeping putting in the final pieces. The 3D printers and vinyl cutter are also available for use.

19 June 2017 | 19:30


Learn and teach how to use basic cryptography tools in a relaxed and respectful atmosphere.

No prior knowledge required: curiosity, wanting to learn, asking questions is all that's needed.

Bringing your laptop or smartphone would be useful. CryptoParties are always for free. 

17 June 2017 | 20:30

SPEKTRUM year #2: Klangscheiben Modular Sessions

How can we all make it to the future? we asked at the time of opening SPEKTRUM | art science community in June 2015. On this night, we invite you to come celebrate two years of SPEKTRUM with us, looking back on how we have given shape to our joint future through stimulating community & participation in art, science and technology and looking ahead to how we re-imagine the next steps. 

14 June 2017 | 20:00

Light Movement 22: Larry Gottheim

Considered of one of our greatest living avant-garde masters, we are very fortunate to host Larry Gottheim in person as part of his tour of Europe which includes screenings in London, Vienna, Budapest, Stockholm, Hamburg, Spain, among others. The program will present a selection of earlier films as well as his new, recently completed, 42 minute work Chants and Dances for Hand (1991-2016) 

02 June 2017 | 20:00

Federica Dauri & Danilo Colonna LVM #312

Federica Dauri & Danilo Colonna - CorOrale
Performer: Federica Dauri , in collaboration with the sound artist: Danilo Colonna LVM CorpOrale is a research that puts to the forefront the body in its entirety in order to investigate its transparency, its fragility, its strength, and as well the pulsation that animates it; throughout the use of the voice and the body movements in order to generate an...

01 June 2017 | 20:00

XEN screening - “Funeral Parade of Roses” by Toshio Matsumoto #311

The XenoEntities Network would like to gather friends to watch the screening of film Funeral Parade of Roses and to pay homage to the Japanese director Toshio Matsumoto, one of the pioneers of sixties counter-cinema, video artist and critic, who just died the past month, April 12, 2017. 
The film will be preceded with the screening of White Hole, a hypnotic short Matsumoto directed ten years after.


29 May 2017 | 20:00

XEN Assemblage #4

Gathering our community for an informal sharing of ideas, summarizing what we have done so far, what we are planning to do, and also to create an open platform for others to propose suggestions for future projects. 

26 May 2017 | 20:00

Studies in Vibration Final Show

The School of Machines, Making & Make-Believe spent the last four weeks thinking about physics, light, and sound. Now we invite you to join us for our Studies in Vibration final presentations and an evening which includes sound performances, projection mapping, and installations using light and sound.

23 May 2017 | 19:30

SCS #38

The Sonic Code Sessions aim to provide a time and place for self directed and collaborative learning + experimentation. If you would like to free yourself from the limitations that come with traditional music software, this is for you! We occasionaly do jam sessions and plan group performances.

23 May 2017 | 19:30

LC Lab #18

Hands-on session of the LC Lab (Live Cinema Lab), a place for audio-visual experimentation. LC Lab is a community where audio and visual artists can meet, create and play new work together.