30 November 2016 | 19:30

Berlin Science Communication 2.0 Stammtisch (#BSWK)

On the last Wednesday of every month, science journalists, science outreach professionals, and anyone interested in science communication meet to discuss developments in the field of science communication at the public Berlin Science Communication 2.0 Stammtisch (#BSWK). There are both themed as well as spontaneous discussion to start off, based on what people are working on or what everyone would...

29 November 2016 | 19:30

LC Lab #14

Hands-on session of the LC Lab (Live Cinema Lab), a place for audio-visual experimentation. LC Lab is a community where audio and visual artists can meet, create and play new work together.

28 November 2016 | 18:00 - 29 November 2016 | 22:00

MadeByUs builds

Building session of MadeByUs, a making community focused on artistic, DIY, and experimental uses of digital fabrication techniques like 3D printing and laser cutting. Daily from 18:00 - 22:00 in the makerlab.

27 November 2016 | 20:00

D/B presents: Hior Chronik and Dirge

This November D/B is delighted to welcome Greek ambient artist Hior Chronik to perform at SPEKTRUM along with Digital in Berlin’s own editor and collaborator Dirk Markham presenting another onslaught of his live ambient/drone project „Dirge“.

26 November 2016 | 20:00

Wolfgang Spahn & Yashas Shetty / Benjamin Flesser #231

Wolfgang Spahn & Yashas Shetty - Under the FlyOver
Using handmade synthesizers and instruments, Yashas Shetty and Wolfgang Spahn introduce analogue sound that merge with light and projections of hacked VGAs and Neontubes

Work for modular synthesizer by Benjamin Flesser

24 November 2016 | 20:00

Judy Dunaway / Tomomi Adachi #229

Judy Dunaway will present her solo works for amplified latex balloons, including new works that include interactive video and electronics. Tomomi Adachi will present solo improvisations with voice, sensors, computer, self-made instruments. The two solo performances will be followed by an improvised duet between Adachi and Dunaway.

22 November 2016 | 19:30

Smell Lab #15

 Join our very special next Smell Lab 15!

Dr. Roberto I. Melendez will give a lecture on the Role of the Olfactory System in Synaptic Plasticity and Memory Formation. 

22 November 2016 | 19:30

SCS #26

The Sonic Code Sessions are open conversations between sound artists, coders, musicians, learners and anyone interested in generative music and the use of computing skills for sonic expression. There is time for people to present something if they want to, followed by informal discussions.

22 November 2016 | 18:00 - 22:00

MadeByUs Laserbuild

Building session of MadeByUs, a making community focused on artistic, DIY, and experimental uses of digital fabrication techniques like 3D printing and laser cutting. From 18:00 - 22:00 in the makerlab.

18 November 2016 | 18:00 - 20 November 2016 | 23:00

Exhibition #7: Behavioural Machines

The exhibition 'Behavioural Machines' explores the way in which mathematical models that describe complex natural phenomena have been used to create new audiovisual works applied to domains such as light sculpture, robotics and abstract film. With works by: So Kanno, TeZ, Ran Ancor & Krisjanis Rijnieks

16 November 2016 | 19:00

Cryptoparty #227

Learn and teach how to use basic cryptography tools in a relaxed and respectful atmosphere.

No prior knowledge required: curiosity, wanting to learn, asking questions is all that's needed.

Bringing your laptop or smartphone would be useful. CryptoParties are always for free. 

15 November 2016 | 19:30

movLab #11

Community meeting of the movLab - a place for researching ways to digitize motion and the human body and to make the data accessible for further use in VR, gaming, stage performance or art. 

15 November 2016 | 18:00 - 22:00

MadeByUs builds

Building session of MadeByUs, a making community focused on artistic, DIY, and experimental uses of digital fabrication techniques like 3D printing and laser cutting. From 18:00 - 22:00 in the makerlab.

14 November 2016 | 20:00

Alphawave #12: Analytical Engine and Matias Brunacci

Alphawave #12 will host performance of two technologist/artist that embody aleatory, undeterminancy, casuality in their art practice: in one word: intuition and induction, instead of deduction. Isn’t intuition another, powerful, uncontrollable way to discern reality? We’re very glad to present German physics and artist Analytical Engine and Argentinian technologist and artist Matias Brunacci.