01 June 2016 | 19:30

DNL Deep Cables: Pre-Lab & Film screening

Pre-Lab Event of the 8th event of the Disruption Network Lab DEEP CABLES: Uncovering the Wiring of the World

Community get-together + film screening: 20,000 Cables under the Sea: The Internet and the Physics of Fiber Optics

31 May 2016 | 19:30

movLab #6

Community meeting of the movLab - a place for researching ways to digitize motion and the human body and to make the data accessible for further use in VR, gaming, stage performance or art. 

31 May 2016 | 19:30

LC Lab #10

Hands-on session of the LC Lab (Live Cinema Lab), a place for audio-visual experimentation. LC Lab is a community where audio and visual artists can meet, create and play new work together.

30 May 2016 | 19:30

Computer art #3

Monthly meetup of the computer art community, where we discuss and present art made by coding: software art

30 May 2016 | 12:00

MadeByUs #6

Community meeting of MadeByUs, a making community focused on artistic, DIY, and experimental uses of digital fabrication techniques like 3D printing and laser cutting.

28 May 2016 | 20:30

D/B presents: Schneider TM and Pani K

Digital in Berlin presents an exclusive premiere performance by Schneider TM of his piece Mobilee: visual accompaniment will come from Pani K so this is sure to be an audio-visual feast for the senses.

Series curated by Dirk Markham

28 May 2016 | 16:00

Art Spaces Neukölln: guided tour

The new platform Art Spaces Neukölln invites you to their initiative: exhibitions, events and guided tours on 6 Saturdays in May and June 2016. 18 Art Spaces in Neukölln joined forces and open their doors: visitors are invited to explore by themselves, enter into dialogue with the art space directors, gallery owners and artists or be guided to locations by artists. 

26 May 2016 | 20:00

Screening night: Transformation #156

This bill celebrates queers in cathartic flux. Change brings different forms of beauty, laced with many emotions, that bend time and space. Most of these artists' dynamic and transformational and transformative works are Berlin premieres. Get ready to metamorphosize your mind!

25 May 2016 | 19:00


Learn and teach how to use basic cryptography tools in a relaxed and respectful atmosphere.

No prior knowledge required: curiosity, wanting to learn, asking questions is all that's needed.

Bringing your laptop or smartphone would be useful. CryptoParties are always for free. 

24 May 2016 | 19:30

SCS #14

The Sonic Code Sessions are open conversations between sound artists, coders, musicians, learners and anyone interested in generative music and the use of computing skills for sonic expression. There is time for people to present something if they want to, followed by informal discussions.

23 May 2016 | 19:30

MetaMatter #1

First meetup of the MetaMatter community: a laboratory of research and practice focused on transformations of matter. Anyone with a passion for learning to understand the possibility of matter as an available medium for Art and Science is welcome to join.

22 May 2016 | 20:30

There Be Dragons: Talk and Q&A with Lea Kannar-Lichtenberger #155

Bio-artist Lea Kannar-Lichtenberger will give a talk on her latest science-art investigation 'There Be Dragons: human impact on the environmentally sensitive Galapagos and Lord Howe Islands'.
Moderation: Christian de Lutz (Art Laboratory Berlin)

Event organised in cooperation with Art Laboratory Berlin

17 May 2016 | 19:30

movLab #5

Community meeting of the movLab - a place for researching ways to digitize motion and the human body and to make the data accessible for further use in VR, gaming, stage performance or art.