11 February 2016 | 20:00

Alphawave #4: AA..LL & Glass Engine

The fourth Alphawave wants to contradict the idea that transcendence, extasy and enlighting happens only through the most noble, metaphysics part of our being, may be our “soul” or our brain. We can be equally transported “on the other side” by objective, physical and fleshy practices.

Both AA..LL and Glass Engine manipulate physical objects, and get lost into the balm of reality, until this...

09 February 2016 | 19:30

MadeByUs #2

Second community meeting of MadeByUs, a making community focused on artistic, DIY, and experimental uses of digital fabrication techniques like 3D printing and laser cutting.

07 February 2016 | 20:00

Truant Monks #106

Performance night with TRUANT MONKS (Field-recordings, modular, piezo-mics, self-built instruments) 

Part of the transmediale/CTM Vorspiel 2016 festival

02 February 2016 | 20:00

RecPlay session #102

Live performance by RecPlay, an audio-visual improvisation collective composed of fifteen students of the ArtScience Interfaculty from The Royal Academy of Arts in The Hague 

Part of the transmediale/CTM Vorspiel 2016 festival

31 January 2016 | 20:00

Sound portraits: Pauline Oliveros #101

Listening session curated by Doron Sadja, focusing on the work of iconic composers who have paved the way for contemporary electronic music.

This session: Pauline Oliveros 

Part of the transmediale/CTM Vorspiel 2016 festival

30 January 2016 | 19:00

ReConnect: Communities table & party #100

SPEKTRUM communities come together to share what they have been working on and exchange ideas for cross-collaboration. Everybody interested in what is going on in our communities is welcome.

Following on this we invite you to celebrate with us the first six months of community building at SPEKTRUM 

Part of the transmediale/CTM Vorspiel 2016 festival

29 January 2016 | 20:00

Light movement 11: Showcase

Screening night with works of Ute Aurand, Robert Beavers, Helga Fanderl, Karl Kels, Jeannette Muñoz, Jonathan Schwarz, Margaret Rorison, James Edmonds

Curated by James Edmonds as part of the Light Movement series 

Part of the transmediale/CTM Vorspiel 2016 festival

28 January 2016 | 20:00

SyntheticSound Screening #99

SyntheticSound: Experimental Music Video Art Screening from the Crista Dahl Media Library & Archive, Video Out Distribution, Vancouver, Canada.

Followed by a panel discussion with Nine Yamamoto and Jazmina Figueroa, led by Alan Kollins.

Part of the transmediale/CTM Vorspiel 2016 festival

26 January 2016 | 19:30

LC Lab Showcase

Community showcase night of the Live Cinema (LC) Lab

Part of the transmediale/CTM Vorspiel 2016 festival

25 January 2016 | 19:00

CryptoParty + Exhibition Intangible Threat #98

Exhibition 'Intangible Threat' - a showcase by class Sound, Art and Technology-poiesis, UdK Berlin

In cooperation with CryptoParty: learn and teach how to use basic cryptography tools in a relaxed and respectful atmosphere

Part of the transmediale/CTM Vorspiel 2016 festival

24 January 2016 | 20:00

FIBER and LIMA present: The LIMA Collection #97

Screening programme of video art, digital and performance artworks. For this special occasion FIBER collaborates with LIMA, the international platform for sustainable access to media art, and made a selection of video’s taken from LIMA’s extensive historical archive

Part of of the Transmediale/CTM Vorspiel 2016 festival