17 July 2018 | 19:30

SCS #64: Hands-on Sound

We will have a small introduction to interfacing with Leapmotion to modulate/generate sound or control data to manipulate virtually anything. Leap motion is a sophisticated device dedicated to accurately track the hand position in 3 dimensions, and its very easy and fast to get started interfacing with processing, puredata, max/msp and alikes. 

17 July 2018 | 19:30

movLab #25 expanding beyond the five senses

What happens if we add too many senses – will we overwhelm our brains? “That’s unknown,” said Eagleman, “but I feel like we’re probably nowhere near the limit...[the brain] is enormous and it has plenty of room to take in all kinds of sensor data.”

Next movLab is tomorrow, in Spektrum, with this time an open discussion as a start, about our senses, and the possibility for technology to hack our...

15 July 2018 | 20:00

Sound Portraits #26: Corin

Sound Portraits is a series of listening sessions, curated by Doron Sadja, focusing on the work of iconic composers who have paved the way for contemporary electronic music. 

For this session we will be focusing on an upcoming young electronic artist hailing from Melbourne who will be performing her works live and discussing her compositions with Doreen Ooi.

We warmly invite you discover...

14 July 2018 | 20:00


An evening with The Society for Nontrivial Pursuits (students, alumni and associates of the class Generative Art / Computational Art at UdK Berlin): an exploration of the possibility spaces of feedback systems, chaotic circuits, social systems and/or computer programs for experimental performance.

13 July 2018 | 20:00

Camille Laurent & Stefanie Egedy #472

Camille Laurent and Stefanie Egedy - CORPORAL MECHANISM

CORPORAL MECHANISM is a performance that puts the audience with other spatial and sensorial perceptions using light impulses and low frequency sound waves. Light and sound pass through the audience's body and propose new sensitive experiences by acting directly in touch, sight and hearing. Both of them follow a sensorial score of sonorous...

10 July 2018 | 19:30

Berlin vvvv meetup #2

This is the Meetup for vvvv and VL interested open minds in Berlin. It is a place to meet and exchange ideas and experiences. It is open to anyone who wants to join, no matter if you are a vvvv expert or beginner, a famous or breadless artists, a designhead or technologist, a piano player or techno musician. We are especially open for newcomers and curious beginners and we try to make this meetup...

07 July 2018 | 19:00

Transient Hole (Variations) V #471

On display:
Arnold Berger, Atzgerei Productions, Sophie Dvořák, Alexander Felch/Aisek Ifraimov, Harald Hund, Christoph Höschele, Hrvoje Hiršl, Anja Nowak, Jaysha Obispo, Nina Prader, Jeroen van Amelsvoort, Anna Vasof, Stefan Voglsinger, David Wauters, Hui Ye

Performances by:
T_A-Z (Paul Gründorfer) (Vienna) Nicholas Spencer (Berlin / Vienna) Margaret Unknown (Vienna/Berlin) Arik Kofranek (Vienna...

06 July 2018 | 19:30

OpenTechSchool 5 years b-day bash

This year OpenTechSchool Foundation will turn 5 years old and we want to celebrate this with all of you!

During these years OpenTechSchool grown, develop and change becoming bigger and stronger. This wasn't possible without the help of so many people, in different part of the world. So this party is for all of you, to thank you for the time invest in learning, sharing, coaching, organising and...

06 July 2018 | 16:00 - 18:00

Work the Scent: The Smell of Death


Join us for our workshop as part of the exhibition Welt ohne Außen in Gropius Bau/Berliner Festspiele. We will recreate the smell of death using common house hold materials! Free admission with exhibition ticket. Our next Olfactory Tour is August 3rd! Spaces are limited, please register at woa@berlinerfestspiele.de...

03 July 2018 | 19:30

SCS #63: Sequencers With Max/MSP

We invite you for another sonic code session. Starting with a short demo of a new sequencer made in max/msp + a very special guest. Then as usual you can present your own works and get feedback or help from our community members. Contact us if you need a screen, sound or anything else. We focus on programming, audio and music and we welcome anyone to join and give or get help. See you soon

03 July 2018 | 19:30

VJ Open Lab #11

VJ Open Lab is an open community based in Berlin that organises monthly meetings for inspiration, experimentation, and exchange of knowledge in the field of live video.

We are open to anyone interested in live visual arts and VJing. Beginners and visitors are kindly welcome.

01 July 2018 | 16:00

XEN presents Fluid Existence

For Welt ohne Außen at Gropius Bau, Pedro Marum and Zander Porter of XenoEntities Network (XEN) will perform a curation of sounds, visuals, and words as an immersive live workshop for the tripartite event cycle Existential Futurities.

30 June 2018 | 20:00

Warm Stranger / William "Bilwa" Costa #470

Sound art performance night with:

  • Warm Stranger - Burning Ghosts
    An improvised presentation of material from the releases 'Burning Ghost Triptych' and 'Beyond your Control'.
  • William "Bilwa" Costa - un/natural field recordings
    un/natural field recordings are recordings comprised of man-made, digital, analogue, and mechanical sounds, as well as many other incidental sounds, which make up a city's...

29 June 2018 | 20:00

Nicolas Collins & Mazen Kerbaj / Tomomi Adachi #469

Tomomi Adachi - Live Performance
Adachi brings his infamous tupperware electronic instruments and amplified objects. They are based on the idea of scores as instruments. Also he presents a short duo with Nicolas Collins.

Nicolas Collins & Mazen Kerbaj - Air Support
Mazen Kerbaj (Beirut/Berlin) and Nicolas Collins (Chicago/etc.) come together for their first performance together on two unusually...

26 June 2018 | 19:30

LC Lab #27

Hands-on session of the LC Lab (Live Cinema Lab), a place for audio-visual experimentation. LC Lab is a community where audio and visual artists can meet, create and play new work together.

24 June 2018 | 20:00

Light Movement 31: Stan Brakhage: A Celebration

Suranjan Ganguly will present an illustrated talk on the work of Stan Brakhage (1933-2003), widely regarded as one of the most innovative filmmakers in the history of experimental cinema who changed the way we see and think about film. Brakhage made nearly 400 films in his 52-year-long career which include psychodramas, autobiographical films, Freudian trance films, birth films, abstract films,...

23 June 2018 | 20:00

Spektrum year #3: Sonic Vibrations #5: The Analogue Infinity

This night we invite you for a special program, celebrating three years of SPEKTRUM art science community with us.

Under the title The Analogue Infinity (fifth chapter in our Sonic Vibrations series), the focus is on instruments allowing artists to compose 'music for the infinity': analog approaches to sound, supported by the idea of the infinite sonic substance present in the physical domain.